Upgrade any version of MIDI edition to SmartScore Pro 64 NE (New Edition) for downloading. $329.00 Add to Cart SmartScore 64 MIDI Edition to Songbook 64 NE (Download) Upgrade any version of MIDI Edition to SmartScore Songbook 64 NE (New Edition) for downloading. $129.00 Add to Cart ...
Upgrade any version of MIDI edition to SmartScore MIDI 64 NE (New Edition) to be shipped. $39.00 Add to Cart SmartScore 64 MIDI Edition to Pro 64 NE (USB Flash Drive) Upgrade any SmartScore MIDI edition to SmartScore 64 Pro NE (New Edition) on Flash Drive to be shipped to you. ...
您甚至可以将 Yamaha 键盘转换为 XF MIDI 文件。 系统要求 Windows XP 或更高版本(64 位) Scan & play! Sheet music to MIDI in seconds. Scan multiple pages of printed sheet music or process any PDF file and watch as it reconstructs on-screen in seconds, ready for playback, and transposition....
一款完全集成的音乐扫描配乐器。SmartScore 64 不仅仅是一个音乐识别应用程序。它包括一个世界级的符号编辑器,具有灵活的移调功能、强大的页面格式和输出选项以及动态和细微的播放。(MIDI 版除外。) SmartScore 64 是任何编曲者、表演者、音乐教育者或教会牧师不可或缺的工具。
Export to Type 1 or Type 0 MIDI files as well as XF MIDI files for Yamaha keyboards. You can even convert playback to MP3 files! System RequirementsWindows XP or later (64-bit) (Windows 11 compatible) Homepage 声明:本站所有文章,如无特殊说明或标注,均为本站...
1、在本站下载解压,即可得到SmartScore X64 pro安装程序,该版本已经集成了破解补丁,安装后即可激活; 2、阅读许可协议,勾选【I agree】按钮同意并进入下一步的安装; 3、选择安装位置,用户可以选择默认位置; 4、安装完成。 5、最后安装完成后就能直接获得到SmartScore X64 pro破解版软件,支持用户免费无限制随意使用...
– 保存到 MP3 和 MIDI 系统要求 Windows XP 或更高版本(64 位) 主页 Turn your scanner into a player piano. Scan, play, transpose and print out piano or solo sheet music. Audition nearly any piano arrangement in seconds. Transpose your score to a new key and ...
直接从 SmartScore 转置和打印。另存为 MIDI 或 MusicXML 并在 Finale、MuseScore、Sibelius 或任何其他支持 MusicXML 的乐谱程序中打开您的乐谱。导出到 Type 1 或 Type 0 MIDI 文件以及 Yamaha 键盘的 XF MIDI 文件。您甚至可以将播放转换为 MP3 文件!
Unlocked version (NoteReader Premier) allows SmartScore, MIDI, MusicXML and image files to be sent to any e-mail address or to the cloud. MusicXML or MIDI files can be imported to a host of compatible mobile and desktop music applications. Download the free SmartScore Player from www.musitek...