在Linux系统中,你可以通过终端尝试运行smartctl --version来检查是否已安装。如果系统返回“command not found”或其他错误信息,说明smartctl未安装。 如果未安装,查找适用于用户操作系统的smartctl安装方法: smartctl通常包含在smartmontools软件包中。以下是一些常见Linux发行版的安装方法: ...
When I try to check the S.M.A.R.T details of my drive, using the following command: smartctl -a /dev/sda I get an error: -bash: smartctl: command not found What can I do? Solution This error is appearing because you do not have the S.M.A.R.T tools installed on your system...
More information: <https://www.smartmontools.org>. Display SMART health summary: sudo smartctl --health /dev/sdX Display device information: sudo smartctl --info /dev/sdX Start a short self-test in the background: sudo smartctl --test short /dev/sdX Display current/last self-test...
sudo: /etc/zabbix/scripts/smartctl-disks-discovery.pl: command not found sudo: /etc/zabbix/scripts/smartctl-disks-discovery.pl: command not found Thanks for your support v-zhuravlevadded thequestionlabelApr 19, 2019 v-zhuravlevclosed this ascompletedApr 24, 2019...
/usr/sbin/smartctl not found. error: %pre(cvuqdisk-1.0.9-1.x86_64) scriptlet failed,exitstatus 1 error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping cvuqdisk-1.0.9-1 google搜索发现是因为系统缺少smartmontools这个包。 使用yum 安装
IDNF (ID Not Found): user-accessible address could not be found. For READ LOG type commands, IDNF can also indicate that a device data log structure checksum was incorrect. If the command that caused the error was a READ or WRITE com- mand, then the Logical Block Address (LBA) at ...
DBG vnodes/vnodes.go:86 '/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/vnodes' is not a regular file, skipping it component=vnodes INF agent/setup.go:177 found '/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/vnodes' (0 vhosts) component=agent INF discovery/manager.go:61 instance is started component="discovery manager" ...
记录一下困扰自己一天的问题 在使用mybatis批量更新时,sql报错,但是在sql语法没问题 <update id="...
1870xBBReported Uncorrectable ErrorsThe count of errors that could not be recovered using hardware ECC . 1880xBCCommand TimeoutThe count of aborted operations due to HDD timeout. Normally this attribute value should be equal to zero and if the value is far above zero, then most likely there ...
smart 用法 1.smartctl -s on /dev/sda”开启磁盘的smart功能 2.smartctl -a /dev/sda”...