推荐型号:Ultimate Scratching Post、贵妃榻爪爪乐、猫树 墙挂式 SmartCat专注于猫用抓爬类玩具,主做电商市场,其各类猫抓板玩具是美国亚马逊“Cat Scratching Posts”类目Best Sellers No.1的常客。 SmartCat的猫抓板使用编织剑麻材质。权威测评网站thewirecutter.com的猫抓板测评指出,编织剑麻材质比普通的剑麻绳更加耐...
rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. 26 total votes cats enjoy the security of sleeping in an elevated area where they can survey their environment. this perch slides securely into place on top of the ultimate scratching post to create a stable and comfortable sleeping pedestal. overall height - top ...
Our only complaint is that the post can’t be flipped once the top section gets worn out. Cat-Friendliness The SmartCat Ultimate Scratching Post has been the go-to cat scratcher in a house of rowdy Savannah cats. The height is perfect even for large cats to stretch on. The stability is...