解决方法2:打开网络和共享中心 → 更改适配器设置 → 网络连接 → internet协议版本6(tcp/ipv6)的前面的勾去掉,然后确定退出。 解决方法3:先用Windows Defender全盘扫描,然后可以排除信任的EXE程序,建议排除 explorer.exe (资源管理器进程)(围观:揪出Win8打开文件夹卡顿幕后凶手) 解决方法4:打开文件夹磁盘爆卡,如...
这个不是 Windows 系统文件。 这个文件是由 Microsoft 所签发.AERTSrv.exe 也可能是恶意软件所伪装,尤其是当它们存在于 c:\windows 或 c:\windows\syst... 应用程序背景 应用程序的背景不是操作系统控制的。是程序自己设定的。打个比方,就和qq的皮肤一样,是要在qq里面改的。如果这个程序支持改 质量管理体系软件?
Can You Remove SmartByte Telemetry? There are a number of ways you can remove or stop SmartByte Telemetry on your PC. This includes using the Settings app or the Control Panel to remove it. Alternatively, you can disable the SmartByte service instead without removing it from your PC. For mos...
Now that you have disable SmartByte functionality, observe a noticeable performance boost on your Windows 10 Dell computer/laptop. This way you don’t have to worry about SmartByte Telemetry and its associated issues! METHOD 2- Remove SmartByte Using Control Panel ...
Original filename SmartByteTelemetry.exe Legal copyright Copyright © 2017 Product version 1.1.511 File version 1.1.511 Here's a screenshot of the file properties when displayed by Windows Explorer: Product name SmartByteTelemetry Company name DELL File description SmartByteTelemetry Internal name Smar...
C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\SmartByteTelemetry.xml C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\speedtest.exe C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\SpeedTestDLL.dll C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\st_client_config.xml C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\System.Data....
C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\SmartByteTelemetry.exe C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\SmartByteTelemetry.xml C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\SmartConnectApi.dll C:\Program Files\Rivet Networks\SmartByte\sv\WifiCredentialPrompter.resources.dll ...
This process- SmartByte Telemetry, comes along with the software SmartByte Drivers and Services provided by DELL. It is not so essential for the Windows Operating System and may cause several errors. You can find the file within a subfolder of the following path- C:\Program Files\Rivet Network...
Updated Files synology-note-station.exeupdate_notifier.exeNtProcMonitor64.sysOffice2SD.runOffice2SV.exeOffice2SW.runjExpAddIn.dllACUBEF~1.OCXCHK1.exeBXLDLL~1.OCXltocx13n.ocxZebra.dllRNDBWM.exeRNDBWMService.exeSmartByteTelemetry.exeMusic.UI.exeSmbCo10X64.sysvrol.exesysnet.exeHxOutlook.exeHxTsr...
SmartByteTelemetry + 版本 1.2.600 + 产品名称 SmartByteTelemetry + 描述 空值 + 公司名称 DELL + 版权 Copyright © 2017 + 文件MD5 3ee521f6681fe7a8dffe36288fa9a533 操作系统分发 Windows 10 - 100% 操作系统语言分布 01 朝鲜语(韩国)