For our Oracle database we use a tnsnames.ora file to manage the hosts and connections. I did have some initial problems getting that to work with SoapUI. But finally got it after updating some things in the vmoptions file and moving the odbc driver into <Install Directory...
<value>${project.basedir}\src\main\java\GlobalScripts</value> </property> <property> <name>soapui.ext.libraries</name> <value>${project.basedir}\src\main\java\GlobalScripts</value> </property> </soapuiProperties --> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </...
I've just recently start using a mac for work and need to be able to establish JDBC connections to an oracle database through soapui. I have all this working on a windows pc, but I remember having to put some additional jar files in \bin\ext in the soapui home folder. I'm not c...