A High Performance Java AIO framework. Contribute to javalibrary/smart-socket development by creating an account on GitHub.
感谢Github 提供的代码托管和现在的 Pages 服务。 感谢JetBrains 为 smart-socket 提供的 IDEA License。 🥳加入社群 官方QQ群: 172299083 、830015805。入群条件: 普通用户:捐赠5元,并备注您的QQ号,我们将人工审核入群人员。 企业用户:完成【案例登记】并在加群时备注企业名。 扫描底部二维码关注三刀公众号 Apa...
.github/workflows .workflow aio-core aio-pro benchmark example smart-socket-parent LICENSE README.en.md README.md gvp.png image.png jetbrains.png pom.xml wx.jpg README Apache-2.0 license smart-socket smart-socket 是一款增强了原生 JDK 实现的 AIO 通信框架。
<dependency> <groupId>io.github.smartboot.http</groupId> <artifactId>smart-http-server</artifactId> <version>2.5</version> </dependency> 拷贝以下代码并启动。 public class SimpleSmartHttp { public static void main(String[] args) { HttpBootstrap bootstrap = new HttpBootstrap(); bootstrap....
https://github.com/openshwprojects/OpenBK7231T_App Purchase of the LSPA9 EU socket You can find the socket by searching for something like LSPA9 EU Smart Plug WiFi Smart Outlet Socket Voice Control Works for Alexa , I paid about $17 ($14 product + VAT tax and shipping): The sock...
目前smart-socket托管在码云和Github,有需要的可前往下载项目源码。 码云https://gitee/smartboot/smart-socket GITHUBhttps://github/smartboot/smart-socket 不过我们更推荐的是采用maven方式引用smart-socket,这样便可享受由 作者提供后续的版本升级服务。 1.2.3.org.smartboot ...
注:文档中设计涉及的代码也都在本人github目录下,分别为socketServer和socketClient.对应着各个分支。 一.Socket简介 在UNIX系统中,万物皆文件(Everything is a file)。所有的IO操作都可以看作对文件的IO操作,都遵循着这样的操作模式:打开 -> 读/写 -> 关闭,打开操作(如open函数)获取“文件”使用权,返回文件描...
//github.com/athom-tech/athom-configs Features: |Smart Home Open Source|Abhome| **Energy Efficiency and Monitoring** The ATHOM Made For ESPhome Smart Wall Socket is a cutting-edge device designed to monitor electricity consumption with precision. Equipped with the HLW8032 chipset, this smart ...
方式一:可以用cmd命令 1 C:\Users\Administrator>netstat -ano | findstr"5037"<<<---查看5037 被谁占用,然后杀掉 TCP LISTENING 4524 TCP ESTABLISHED 4524 TCP ESTABLISHED 4524 TCP
For technical support and updates, the module comes with a comprehensive manual and access to the GitHub repository, ensuring that you have all the resources you need to get started with your project. Description Ra-02 is a wireless transmission module based on SEMTECH's SX1278 wireless ...