Smart: 指 一个人 机智 灵活 , 能够 快速 地 学习 和 适应 新 事物 , 但 不一定 有 很高的 智力 水平 。 比如: "She's a smart woman. She knows how to get what she wants." (她 是一个 聪明的 女人 , 她 知道 如何 得到 她 想要 的 。) 3. “聪明” 的 反义词: ...
By the way, of all the principles of performance-based advertising, this one has been unusually effective for our clients and unusually successful in differentiating us from other agencies. As for section 3, all I can say is….you need to read more carefully before calling someone stupid....
OK, I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did (= it was a stupid thing to do) . 好吧,我承认那件事我办得很不漂亮。 牛津词典 smartrestaurants 高档餐馆 牛津词典 She mixes with thesmartset . 她跟那帮时髦人物交往。 牛津词典 ...
q3.The most common definition of "smart" is to be very good at learning and understanding things. q4.People are smart in the same way. q5.Book-smart people are well-read, and usually they are good at things like trivia games and crossword puzzles. ...
OK, I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did (= it was a stupid thing to do) . 好吧,我承认那件事我办得很不漂亮。 牛津词典 smartrestaurants 高档餐馆 牛津词典 She mixes with thesmartset . 她跟那帮时髦人物交往。 牛津词典 ...
NO... ... 2.How clever you are! 你真聪明! 1.You're smart!你很聪明! 2.What a smart young lady! 多么曼妙的女郎啊1 ...|基于5个网页 2. 你真聪明 96学年度下学期二年级课程简表 ... Try again 再试一次You're smart你真聪明! It is OK 没关系 ... ...
Matt Abrahams: Well, I hope you do lean in because you do have a lot of value to bring to this conversation, and persistence sometimes can lead to good results. Anat Admati: I hated along the way to be worn out by ...
Do you think about the way ___ have changed? They’ve gone from being just something that you make a phone call to, to being something that is a general-purpose device.4. With the battle for supremacy in operating platforms raging, a raft of new wireless technology is ___ at the dec...
When smart people say stupid thingsPeter FeaverForeign Policy
Software/RAG:I tried to get started withRAG fusion hereand was frustrated. Fortunately my manager recommended a much better and easier way to get working with RAG by using this no-code/low-code tool,Flowise. Here’s a guide togetting startedwith it. ...