在Smart Hub 中盡享各種應用程式。透過遙距登入功能,輕鬆在家工作。深入了解Samsung Smart TV可怎樣讓你做更多事情。
Smart Home Connect your home devices with your Samsung Smart TV, and enjoy all the SmartThings4 features that can enrich your daily life. Manage your day-to-day more easily, monitor your devices, optimize energy consumption with AI Energy Mode5 and more. Learn more ...
Se accedi alla Community da un browser web, puoi allegare una foto o un video selezionando l'apposito pulsante nell'editor di testo, dopo aver premuto su "Rispondi": Se scrivi da Samsung Members, invece, potrai selezionare il file dalla Galleria utilizzando il tasto+posto a sinistra del ...
Buongiorno 2 smart tv samsung identiche dove da browser internet viene aperta una pagina di chiamata elimina coda sppuntamenti. Improvvisamente lanciando la pagina, non si sente più il suono audio che annuncia l'appuntamento e la luminosità si abbassa, la tv si blocca per qualche istante....
Samsung Smart TV ГлавнаяРегистрацияВходRSS Логин: Пароль: запомнить Забылпароль|Регистрация Менюсайта Главнаястраница Онлайн-ТВ ...
ПРИЙНЯТИ skip to content Новиникомпанії Продукти Samsung МатеріалидляЗМІ Прокомпанію Tag > Smart TV Samsung встановлює новийстандартзахистутелевізорів, от...
Samsung Smart TV Web Browser Not Working 1) Reboot In the first place, you have to reboot the Samsung Smart TV. The TV can be rebooted by keeping the TV unplugged for at least two minutes. After two minutes, connect the TV to the power outlet again, and it’s l...
Learn how to extend your apps to the big screen. Create seamless TV and mobile experiences with the latest Tizen TV SDK. Get Started Tizen .NET TV Framework Public Release Develop cross-platform applications. The Tizen .NET TV framework, based on the C# framework, adds Samsung common device ...
Smart TV Here are some guidelines to understand how your app is presented on TV and make a user experience suitable for TV. Get Started Tizen.NET TV Framework Public Release Develop cross-platform applications. The Tizen.NET TV framework, based on the C# framework, adds Samsung common device ...
Control your Samsung Smart TV with ease. This app will turn your iPhone into a TV remote! Easily connect once and the app will remember your TV. Features: - Intuitive remote control. - Auto-detect smart TV's on the same wifi network. - Launch and control your favorite apps. - Fast ke...