Tutor machine,early education machine,reading machine,leaning machine,Electronic building blocks and other electronic products,electronic toy soft,the hardware,Development of integrated circuits and related products,Sales,Technology transfer and after-sale supporting consultation,Maintenance service;Educational ...
Tutor machine,early education machine,reading machine,leaning machine,Electronic building blocks and other electronic products,electronic toy soft,the hardware,Development of integrated circuits and related products,Sales,Technology transfer and after-sale supporting consultation,Maintenance service;Educational ...
Surv. Tutor. 2017, 19, 1347–1370. [CrossRef] 18. Qian, J.; Ma, J.; Ying, R.; Liu, P.; Pei, L. An improved indoor localization method using smartphone inertial sensors. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Montbeliard-Belfort, ...
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