职场中,既需要schoolsmart,更需要streetsmart 曾和朋友们讨论过职场中是需要school smart还是street smart? School smart中文翻译成“学校智慧”,也可以理解为理论派。 比如,有些人做事总是循规蹈矩,一板一眼。动不动就引经据典,说起来头头是道。但有的时候并不能真正解决问题。 因为school smart往往是基于以往...
Be aware that after school they are much more likely to be playing in and around the street and safety can be the last thing on their minds after a hard day in the classroom.” ENDSNotes to editors: Richard Gladman is IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards. IAM Road...
Behind the Wheel Driving School Las Vegas - We provide Safe and Affordable Driving Lessons in Las Vegas. Pass Your Test on the first time!
Street smart中文翻译成“街头智慧”,也可以理解为现实派。 比如街上的小商小贩,ta们就是典型的street smart。主要表现是做事不讲条件,聚焦解决问题,比如说生存问题。 不过有时候为了解决问题,不按常理出牌,甚至不择手段。 刚毕业初入职场的小白很容易school smart,因为书本上学来的知识占了ta们认知的绝大部分。
Tinkering Lab & Maker Spaceis set up in a school where children develop skills related to Technology to take it up as a career or just a hobby Download Curriculum I am a Smart Coder Hands-on experience with the latestprogramming languagesand technology viz scratch, code.org, HTML, Python, ...
Parental controls: Some kids smartwatches allow parents to set screen time limits, remotely shut down the watch, and set up School Mode or Focus Mode. Ease of use: The watch should be intuitive to navigate and include a responsive touch screen. The parent app should also be easy to use...
And what I love about that story is, first of all, everyone can understand that story, that sort of hidden information. Really cool stuff. This place is hugely popular, though. Never advertised. No sign on the ...
Book Review: Streetsmart Schoolsmart: Urban Poverty and the Education of Adolescent Boys How smartness is defined within schools contributes to low academic achievement by poor and racial/ethnic minority students. Using Holland etal.'s ( 1998 )... LA Garo - 《Urban Education》 被引量: 0发表:...
如何辨认身边的聪明人?聪明人分两种,一种是school smart, 一种是street smart.两种人甚至有相反的特质...
While I walked all over, on one walk downtown, I crossed over Great Jones Street to where Basquiat lived in the 80s. Since then, Angelina Jolie has taken it over. You can read about all that, here. I’ve loved so many parts of this great city over the years, but the Lower East ...