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Start Excel ApplicationFor this activity to work, Microsoft Office Excel needs to be installed on the system. Add worksheetAdds a worksheet to the current workbook Activate worksheetActivate a worksheet in the current Excel document by name
2.1.587 Part 1 Section 18.2.30, workbookView (Workbook View) 2.1.588 Part 1 Section, anchor (Object Cell Anchor) 2.1.589 Part 1 Section, brk (Break) 2.1.590 Part 1 Section, c (Cell) 2.1.591 Part 1 Section, cellSmartTag (Cell S...
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TheBrtBeginSmartTagTypesrecord specifies the beginning of a collection ofBrtSmartTagType(section2.4.794) records as defined by theWorkbook(section2.1.7.61) partABNF. The collection ofBrtSmartTagTyperecords specifies the properties for asmart tagtype that contains the identification information for the ...
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ExcelOpenWorkbook(path="pathname")Open an existing .xlsx file with Microsoft Excel. ExcelSaveExistingWorkbook(path="pathname", new_path=None)Save a existing .xlsx file to its current path or to a new path. ExcelCreateWorkSheet(path="pathname", sheet_name=None)Create a named worksheet in a ...
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