活動的cisco.com帳戶 使用者必須有權訪問智慧帳戶和要查詢許可證的虛擬帳戶。第1步:轉到思科軟體中心,然後使用您的cisco.com憑證登入。步驟2:點選Smart Software Manager部分下的Manage licenses(管理許可證)。步驟3:從右上角的下拉選單中選擇所需的智慧帳戶。
步驟1:轉到思科軟體中心,然後使用您的cisco.com憑證登入。 步驟2:從右上角的智慧帳戶選擇器中選擇智慧帳戶。 步驟3:點選「智慧軟體管理器」(Smart Software Manager)部分下的「管理許可證」(Manage licenses)。 步驟4:按一下選單欄中的「Activity(活動)」頁籤。 ...
5.1使用WinSCP软件把更新文件拷贝到路径/home/admin系统目录下 5.2通过SSH登陆更新系统 ##通过SSH登陆系统后,输入以下红色命令更新完成后系统(命令操作说明详看Smart_Software_Manager_On-Prem_8_Installation_Guide.pdf文档第31页) [admin@SSM-On-Prem /]$ cd /home/admin [admin@SSM-On-Prem ~]$ sudo -s ...
Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem (SSM On-Prem)中存在一个身份验证缺陷漏洞,漏洞的成因是是密码更改过程的不正确实现导致未经身份验证的远程攻击者可以更改任何用户(包括管理用户)的密码。 攻击者可以通过向设备发送构建的 HTTP 请求来利用此漏洞。成功利用此漏洞可允许攻击者以受感染用户的权限访问 Web UI 界面...
A vulnerability in the web application of Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem (SSM On-Prem) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to create arbitrary user accounts. The vulnerability is due to the lack of authorization controls in the web appl
This is a new module which exploits an account takeover vulnerability in Cisco Smart Software Manager (SSM) On-Prem <= 8-202206 (CVE-2024-20419), by changing the password of the admin user to an at...
How to setup the Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem (formerly known as SSM satellite). View this video on SalesConnect: https://salesconnect.cisco.com/open.html?c=731b417e-4d6f-41e3-abc2-fcf997bb0266
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(1) is it too much to expect this unit to run Synology’s DSM as well as the SSM from the DVA1622, or is it best to run 2 NAS’s ??? (2) any advice/experience of sizing NAS HDDs for the DVA1622 ??? REPLY ON YOUTUBE Reply Tommy Jakobsen 29th October 2023 at 4:55 am A...