ABB Ability™ Smart Sensor fanger opp data om energiforbruk, vibrasjon, temperatur og andre parametere og bruker informasjonen til å redusere risikoen for nedetid og kan forlenge levetiden til utstyret. Data om helsetilstanden sendes via internet og løsningen kan gjøre et om stort...
ABB Ability Smart Sensor ermöglicht eine kostengünstige Zustandsüberwachung Ihrer Niederspannungselektromotoren.
1. Leading agribusiness, Olam International, has ABB Ability™ Smart Sensors installed in its plants across Asia. After a few weeks the sensor picks up increasing vibration values, user replaces motor without panic. New motor shows normal vibration. 2. Cutting Edge Services, a service provider ...
Ability™Smart Sensor converts traditional motors into smart, wirelessly connected devices. It enables users to monitor the health of their motors and to plan maintenance in advance. Unplanned downtime can be avoided, efficiency optimized and safety improved. ABB Ability™ connects you to the ...
120年前低压电动机诞生,从此后在工业流程动力驱动领域扮演重要角色,通过在电机外壳部署电机智能传感器(Smart Sensor),让电机说出自己的“心声”,通过综合ABB多年专业经验和电机诊断分析师算法,对电机运行数据进行实时分析,帮助电机使用者实现预测维护,优化电机工况同时降低电机能耗。
ABB’s Motors & Generators business developed an IIoT device called “Smart Sensor,” which can be used to retrofit almost any low-voltage electric motor to help monitor its condition. The device’s sensors measure vibration, temperature, electro-magnetic field strength, and other parameters to ...
The results of the analysis showed that the most appropriate sensor was the ABB Ability smart sensor, which scored the highest in the AHP-Gaussian analysis. In addition, this sensor could detect any abnormalities in the equipment's operation, enabling timely maintenance and preventing potential...
ABB机器人RobotStudio ,在 smart 组件中,创建一个面传感器PlaneSensor,需要定义面传感器的原点Origin、第一个轴Axis1、第二个轴Axis2共三个参数。 答案 A 解析 null 本题来源 题目:ABB机器人RobotStudio ,在 smart 组件中,创建一个面传感器PlaneSensor,需要定义面传感器的原点Origin、第一个轴Axis1、第二个轴Axis...
5.PositionSensor PositionSensor监视对象的位置和方向,对象的位置和方向仅在仿真期间被更新。 6.ClosestObject ClosestObject定义了参考对象或参考点。设置Execute信号时,组件会找到ClosestObject、ClosestPart和相对于参考对象或参考点的Distance(如未定义参考对象)。如果定义了 RootObject,则会将搜索的范围限制为该对象和其...
5.PositionSensor PositionSensor监视对象的位置和方向,对象的位置和方向仅在仿真期间被更新。 6.ClosestObject ClosestObject定义了参考对象或参考点。设置Execute信号时,组件会找到ClosestObject、ClosestPart和相对于参考对象或参考点的Distance(如未定义参考对象)。如果定义了 RootObject,则会将搜索的范围限制为该对象和其...