25 Other countries, such as the UK, provide non-statutory guidance recommending prohibiting phones in schools, where prohibiting phone use is left to the school's discretion.26 However, prior to recent legislation and guidance, many schools had opted to devise their own policies that restrict ...
Carolyn Gudger, the school resource officer, drew her gun, then shielded the principal’s body with her own. Thacker remembers Cowan shouting something – possibly including the words “10 years” – but she isn’t sure. She turned and ran out the set of public doors to the mulch pile in...
Velciu, Grecu, and Zamfir (2014) present an overview of the national features of the dropout phenomenon in six European countries and the best practices identified to address different phenomena, such as school dropout, absenteeism, school failure, and more. In the context of finding measures ...
energies Review Smart Distribution Systems Yazhou Jiang 1, Chen-Ching Liu 1,2 and Yin Xu 1,* 1 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA; yjiang1@eecs.wsu.edu (Y.J.); liu@eecs.wsu.edu (C.-C.L.) 2 School of ...
smart cities Article People-Centric Service Intelligence for Smart Cities Hong Xu 1,* and Xuexian Geng 2 1 School of Urban Construction, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, China 2 Electronic Information School, Wuhan University, 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China; gxx@...
smart cities Article When Design Fiction Meets Geospatial Sciences to Create a More Inclusive Smart City Andrée-Anne Blacutt 1 and Stéphane Roche 2,* 1 School of Design, Laval University, Edifice La Fabrique, 295 Boulevard Charest E bureau 090, Québec, QC G1K 3G8, Canada; andree-anne.bl...
ea 1,† , Fahmida Wazed Tina 2 , Anindya Nag 3,4 , Wattanapong Kurdthongmee 1, Korakot Suwannarat 1 and Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay 5 1 School of Engineering and Technology, Walailak University, 222 Thaiburi, Thasala, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80160, Thailand; arsanchai.su@wu.ac.th (A.S....
sustainability Article Operation Optimization in a Smart Micro-Grid in the Presence of Distributed Generation and Demand Response Yongli Wang 1, Yujing Huang 1,* ID , Yudong Wang 1, Fang Li 1, Yuanyuan Zhang 1 and Chunzheng Tian 2 1 School of Economics and Management, North China Electric ...
sensors Article A Calibration-Free Method Based on Grey Relational Analysis for Heterogeneous Smartphones in Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning Shuai Zhang 1,2 , Jiming Guo 1,2,* , Nianxue Luo 1,*, Di Zhang 1, Wei Wang 1 and Lei Wang 3 1 School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan ...
An Analytical Framework for Workflow Technology Adoption in Local Government Authorities; Brunel Business School, Brunel University: London, UK, 2014. 12. Meijer, A.; Bolívar, M.P.R. Governing the smart city: A review of the literature on smart urban governance. Int. Rev. Adm. Sci. 2016,...