We are currently in the process of appointing a US agent for the kits and have had enquiries from Japan and South Africa for agentcy agreements too. The kit is currently being installed in a roadster in the UK as a demo car and this will be doing the rounds in the summer and ‘may...
kcar跑车吧 四道风♀ 转:遥想美好90年代 ─ 由平成ABC谈K-Car的殒落与曙光不过与“平成ABC”不同的,此刻出现的迷你Roadster,多半因成本挂帅而以FF型式现身,而非如那些日本前辈们皆采后轮驱动甚至中置引擎配置(Mazda AZ-1甚至还拥有单体车架与鸥翼式车门) ,其中比较特别的是也已停产的Smart Roadster/Coupe,RR....