Smart has recently announced the availability of Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and Galaxy S21+ under its Signature Postpaid and Signature 5G plans. Customers may get the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and the Samsung Galaxy S21+ from Signature Plan S to Signature Plan XL 5G. The Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G ...
SamsungGalaxy S23 Ultra₱81,990.00-₱103,990.00 SamsungGalaxy S23+₱68,990.00-₱76,990.00 SamsungGalaxy S23₱53,990.00-₱57,990.00 SamsungGalaxy A14 5G₱12,990.00 SamsungGalaxy A04e₱6,490.00-₱6,990.00 SamsungGalaxy A04₱6,790.00-₱8,990.00 ...
Deprioritized Network Access: In times of high traffic in a congested service location, your data may be temporarily slower than Verizon Wireless postpaid plan subscribers. Unlimited Mobile Hotspot (at maximum 5Mbps speeds) Spam Protection Visual Voicemail WiFi Calling VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) Unlimited...