Pasaload via SMS To pasaload to a Globe or TM subscriber, just text the load amount to 2 + 10-digit number of the recipient, replacing the prefix “0” with the number “2”. For example: 100 and send to 29123456789. How can I share a load on Sun?
If you are going to perform multiple PASALOADs however, it may be better value to send load directly to their number with Ding, as we don't charge any transaction fees. How to PASALOAD Smart to Smart/TNT You can send a Smart PASALOAD to Smart, Talk N Text, SunCellular, and even ...
Talk ‘N Text toll-free customer service is available via SMART SIM *888. Smart customer service hotline is at (02) 888-1111. Smart lets you ask for credit from your friends and family via Pasaload. Just dial *808 + the smart number of the person that you want to ask for load. ...
This is the Smart app, formerly Gigalife! Your gateway to live more today! Discover and enjoy your passions all in one tap! The Smart app is now available fo…
What you can do with SMART Pinoy Hong Kong app:• View Account Balance, Activate Plans and Subscriptions• Register to Call and Text packages with the ALLNET Plans• Send airtime credit via Pinas-A-Load and HK Pasaload• Get support with the OFW Hotline app• Catch up with SMART ...