7. TextArea Rich Text Formatting The TextArea component now includes advanced formatting options for background and color when used in rich text mode, giving users more control over the presentation of their content. 8. Localization Files Added We've added localization support for Italian, Spanis...
ls_control-langu = '1'. * output-tdimmed = 'X'. * output-tddelete = 'X'. *开始打印输出 CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_OPEN' EXPORTING control_parameters = ls_control output_options = ls_outopt IMPORTING job_output_options = ls_opt EXCEPTIONS formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error ...
output_options = output_options IMPORTING"convert pof user 3 job_output_info= ls_output job_output_options = job_output_options TABLES gt_ekko = gt_ekko gt_ekpo = gt_ekpo EXCEPTIONS formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_canceled = 4 OTHERS = 5. CALL FUNCTION '...
Output Options for Field Contents160;Use the Formatting options to adapt the value of a field before printing it. You ca
A closer view of the bottom half of the screen shows the Samsung keyboard at the bottom of the conversation window. Tap the star button. Tap the Chat translation button. A closer view of the top half of the screen shows a input and output language bar with drop-down language options. In...
The StringBuilder that will be used for output String format The template that defines how the arguments are formatted Object[] args A list of arguments to be used in formatting FormatSmart(String, Object[])Formats the specified arguments using this string as a template. Declaration...
Output [1]CRL Distribution Point Distribution Point Name: Full Name: URL=http://server1.name.com/CertEnroll/caname.crl Key Usage = Digital Signature Basic Constraints [Subject Type=End Entity, Path Length Constraint=None] (Optional) Enhanced Key Usage = ...
Output [1]CRL Distribution Point Distribution Point Name: Full Name: URL=http://server1.name.com/CertEnroll/caname.crl Key Usage = Digital Signature Basic Constraints [Subject Type=End Entity, Path Length Constraint=None] (Optional) Enhanced Key Usage = ...
If the information in the SubjAltName appears as Hexadecimal / ASCII raw data, the text formatting is not ASN1 / UTF-8. The smartcard has an otherwise malformed or incomplete certificate. For each of these conditions, you must request a new valid smartcard certif...
LUN formatting The process of writing 0 bits in the data area of the logical drive and generating related parity bits so that the logical drive can be in the ready state. LUN mapping A storage system maps LUNs to application servers so that application servers can access storage resources....