what Photoshop will do is place a copy of your original raw file inside of that smart object “container”. This allows you to instantly access the full dynamic range and pull out any detail hidden inside of that raw file. This gives you the best of both worlds: the advanced...
Along with opening standard image files like JPEGs, we can also open raw files into Photoshop as smart objects. The benefit of opening a raw file as a smart object is that a copy of the raw file itself will be embedded into the Photoshop file, allowing us to reopen it in Camera Raw,...
What you're seeing is the magic of smart objects in Photoshop. When you place your PNG into a smart object, Photoshop retains the original resolution, allowing you to scale up without losing quality. That's why everything still looks sharp, even at larger sizes. However, for a p...
If we look in the Options Bar, we can already see a difference between the pixel version of the image and the smart object. With the pixel version, Photoshop reset the Width and Height values to 100% after we resized it. But the smart object is still showing a Width and Height of ...
After re-checking the code again, it seems that the issue is not caused by the duplication but by the UNDO action before a refresh (when a SmartObject is present in document). The same problem occurs when I simplify the code to: #target photoshop function main...
Object Detection Senstivity (Percentage) Before slicing at a specific height, the program checks the row of pixels it will slice at if there is bubbles/sfx/whatever, it compares neighbouring pixels for any drastic jump in value, (the allowed tolarence for jumps in pixel is the Object Detection...
This simple transition completely changes the meaning of the icon. Such a small detail means the difference between having to guess what will happen next and knowing what the icon means in either state. That toggle is pretty user-friendly, if you ask me. Also, note that the plus sign alway...
I Initialized the telescope and loaded in a Plan with four long exposure times. However a few minutes into an observation, the Vespera Pro froze and eventually lost wi-fi connection. In fact it happened upon several tries while using a Plan and also during a simple object observation. ...
In order to prevent the object from getting too close to the camera, set the near-cut surface. At the same time, in order to prevent objects from being too far away from the camera to be visible, we set a far-cut plane, and only objects within 6 planes can be rendered. The ...
The distances between nodes in the cluster map has no physical meaning, but is a quantification of HSQC spectral similarity. SMART can achieve good accuracy (proper placement in the map of a new compound to its correct compound family) within 0.5 radius of a 2-dimensional cluster map, and ...