what Photoshop will do is place a copy of your original raw file inside of that smart object “container”. This allows you to instantly access the full dynamic range and pull out any detail hidden inside of that raw file. This gives you the best of both worlds: the advanced...
At its most simple, a smart object in Photoshop is just another layer. However, unlike other layers, smart object layers can contain both vector and raster image data, meaning you can alter them as needed without worrying about sacrificing image quality. There are other benefits to using smart...
Unable to Save my Smart Object without "Flattening the Image" lilly_xo New Here , Oct 14, 2014 Copy link to clipboard Hey there, I am helpless. I am Using Photoshop CC 2014, always the newest version, on a mac. Here's the problem: I a...
If we look in the Options Bar, we can already see a difference between the pixel version of the image and the smart object. With the pixel version, Photoshop reset the Width and Height values to 100% after we resized it. But the smart object is still showing a Width and Height of ...
When I edit the object and have Photoshop update the template the Object that failed to open with editObject When my script uses editObject for the next replacement image the updated smarts object layer the object work file open with editObject in the Open Smart object functi...
Object Detection Senstivity (Percentage) Before slicing at a specific height, the program checks the row of pixels it will slice at if there is bubbles/sfx/whatever, it compares neighbouring pixels for any drastic jump in value, (the allowed tolarence for jumps in pixel is the Object Detection...
This simple transition completely changes the meaning of the icon. Such a small detail means the difference between having to guess what will happen next and knowing what the icon means in either state. That toggle is pretty user-friendly, if you ask me. Also, note that the plus sign alway...
I Initialized the telescope and loaded in a Plan with four long exposure times. However a few minutes into an observation, the Vespera Pro froze and eventually lost wi-fi connection. In fact it happened upon several tries while using a Plan and also during a simple object observation. ...
For each of these objects the Stellina app provides you basic information about the object, its current location in the sky (altitude and azimuth), as well as the recommended exposure time. Stellina provides useful information of the potential targets up in the sky at the current time, ...
Advisor , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/applying-mask-to-smart-object-filter/td-p/13603356 Feb 23, 2023 Feb 23, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Copied I am trying to apply a linear gradient to a Smart Filter in PS. The instructions I found online were as follows:Convert...