Smart meterstops sending readings To the previous point on poor signals, if you get weak coverage in the area you live, this can sometimes stop your smart meter from sending readings at all. While your supply won't get cut off, this could lead to delayed bills and confusion among household...
You can still switch if you have a SMETS1 smart meter. However, in some cases, your smart meter will stop sending data to your new supplier, which means you'll have to revert back to providing meter readings. A SMETS1 upgrade has been planned that will make these meters multi-supplier ...
Smart meters not communicating with network We have had a smart metre for over 2 years and it still does not work. After endless communication with octopus and a lot off different engineers.who just keep changing the meter. Now blaming poor signal. This is provided to Octopus by DCC(Data ...
OCTOPUS_MPAN = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" OCTOPUS_ELECTRICMETERSERIAL = "XXXXXXXXX" Gas meter MPRN (leave blank for no gas meter readings) OCTOPUS_MPRN = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" OCTOPUS_GASMETERSERIAL = "XXXXXXXXX" The INPUT Node to CREATE in emoncms - don't overlap with existing node This code autom...