Smart materials, such as nanomaterials, photonic crystals and hydrogels have been widely used for biosensing purpose. In this review, we illustrate the incorporation of smart materials in biosensing systems, including the design of responsive materials, their responsive mechanism of biosensing, and their...
December 19, 2024 An Alabama Woman Got a Gene-Edited Pig Kidney Transplant. Three Weeks Later, She Has 'Never Felt Better' On November 25, 53-year-old Towana Looney became just the third living person to receive a pig kidney in an experimental procedure December 18, 2024 If You're Nostal...
In cellular environments, certain synthetic molecules can form nanostructures via self-assembly, impacting molecular imaging, and biomedical applications. Control over the formation of these self-assembled nanostructures in subcellular organelle is challenging. By the action of stimuli, either present in the...
Risk-informed decisions that promote infrastructure resilience (or the ability to withstand, recover from, and adapt to stressors like natural hazards) require confident predictions of system performance now and into the future. We propose a perspective
(2024) limited its scope to higher education and its temporal range to the last 5 years. Therefore, the presented results cannot be considered comprehensive of AIED as a whole. In the present study, we aim to capture the full breadth of the AIED research field by analyzing all of the ...
Tympanometry is used as part of a battery of tests for screening of middle ear function and may help diagnose middle ear disorders, but remains available only on expensive test equipment. We report a low-cost smartphone-based tympanometer system that con
October, SMART Lab goes to the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego! October, Hong Huy's paper titled "Nanozyme-Shelled Microcapsules for Targeting Biofilm Infections in Confined Spaces" is accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials. Congratulations!
Cancer has emerged as a formidable challenge in the 21st century, impacting society, public health, and the economy. Conventional cancer treatments often exhibit limited efficacy and considerable side effects, particularly in managing the advanced stages
December 3, 2024 New Research A 65,000-Year-Old Hearth Reveals Evidence That Neanderthals Produced Tar for Stone Tools in Iberia While Neanderthals have been found to create glue-like substances with other materials, this finding, if confirmed, would be the first sign of Neanderthals burning the...