中国英文科技期刊推介:Smart Materials in Medicine Smart Materials in Medicine(《医用智能材料》简称SMM)创刊于2020年,中国科学院主管,科学出版社主办,科爱公司运营。SMM致力于发表先进智能材料在医学领域的应用,作为Bioactive Materials (《生物活性材料》)...
Smart Materials in Medicine(《医用智能材料》简称SMM)创刊于2020年,中国科学院主管,科学出版社主办,科爱公司运营。SMM致力于发表先进智能材料在医学领域的应用,作为Bioactive Materials (《生物活性材料》)的姊妹期刊,SMM植根中国,放眼世界,力争成为生物材料领域的旗舰期刊。 一、基本情况 二、主编团队 朱冬晖:美国纽约...
Smart Materials in Medicine(《医用智能材料》简称SMM)成立于2020年,由中国科学院主管、科学出版社主办,科爱公司运营。SMM专注于智能材料在医学领域的应用,是Bioactive Materials(《生物活性材料》)的姊妹期刊,旨在成为中国乃至全球生物材料领域的领军期刊。朱教授在2022年当选美国医学与生物工程院院士,...
Smart Materials in Medicine简介 【微信公众号“期刊分区表(fenqubiao)”信息】 期刊分区表 2023-04-18 Smart Materials in Medicine(《医用智能材料》简称SMM)创刊于2020年,中国科学院主管,科学出版社主办,科爱公司运营。SMM致力于发表先进智能材料在医学领域的应用,作为Bioactive Materials (《生物活性材料》)的姊妹...
The journal is distinguished by its broad scientific coverage, including but not limited to materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, medicine, and biology. In particular, it encourages research articles of an interdisciplinary nature in order to promote the integration of knowledge and ...
by its broad scientific coverage, including but not limited to materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, medicine, and biology. In particular, it encourages research articles of an interdisciplinary nature in order to promote the integration of knowledge and technology between different fields....
期刊简介 WOS分区 CiteScore 其它数据 期刊简介 Journal Title:Smart Science Smart Science is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality original scientific research, review articles, and in-depth analyses of current research and science policy across disciplines. The ...
期刊简介中科院分区JCR分区CiteScore其它数据发文统计投稿提示 International Journal Of Smart And Nano Materials期刊简介 International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials publishes research on the combination of smart materials with nanotechnology to develop novel materials or structures.The combination of smart ...
by its broad scientific coverage, including but not limited to materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, medicine, and biology. In particular, it encourages research articles of an interdisciplinary nature in order to promote the integration of knowledge and technology between different fields....