科爱期刊Smart Materials in Manufacturing(《智材智造》)已成功被EBSCO收录,这是对期刊卓越品质与学术价值的肯定。在此,我们向期刊主编、编委以及整个运营团队致以最热烈的祝贺,并对各位专家、学者、审稿人及编委团队的辛勤付出与无私奉献表示衷心感谢!期刊概览 《智材智造》作为科爱期刊的杰出代表,成功被EBSCO...
Smart Materials in Manufacturing is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal. We publish original research papers, authoritative reviews and...
advanced structured materialsAdditive Manufacturing or 3D Printing has a great potential to develop significant advances in materials, printers' technology, and processes. Thus, the layer by layer manufacturing has existed for three decades and new developments recently appeared in smart materials. ...
Smart Materials in Manufacturing Articles & Issues About Publish Submit search Articles in press This journal currently does not have articles in press Note to users: Articles in press are peer reviewed, accepted articles to be published in this publication. When the final article is assigned to ...
Via the homepage of this journal ( https://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/smart-materials-in-manufacturing/) you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. The system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the ...
4d printing principles and fabrication smart materials in additive manufacturing, volume 1: 4d printing principles and fabrication 1st edition - june 25, 2022 editors: mahdi bodaghi, ali zolfagharian language: english paperback isbn: 9780128240823 9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 -...
Description Smart Materials in Additive Manufacturing, Volume 1 provides readers with an overview of the current smart materials widely in use and the techniques for additively manufacturing them. It demonstrates the principles developed for 4D printing in a way that is useful for students, early care...
Smarter Alloys’Multiple Memory Material™provides new capabilities to existing shape memory material applications and extends the reach of these smart materials into new markets. Automotive / Aerospace A smarter way to meet the demand. In the automotive and aerospace industries where safety, performanc...
Creative Foam is a company specializing in engineered solutions within the foam, nonwovens, and adhesives sectors. The company offers a range of products and services including design, engineering, prototyping, and manufacturing of materials for various industries. Creative Foam primarily serves the trans...
Take for example, a furniture manufacturer using smart manufacturing techniques. Leveraging 3D printing technology, the manufacturer can create unique, custom-designed furniture pieces based on customer specifications. Customers can personalize their designs, choosing the dimensions, materials, and finishes, ...