A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. SMS is committed to understanding, expanding and...
A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. SMS is committed to understanding, expanding and...
A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. SMS is committed to understanding, expanding and...
from the nanoscale to the macroscopic. The journal boasts a distinguished Board of Associate Editors with expertise in various areas, ensuring rapid, fair, and expert reviews across all sub-disciplines of smart materials, systems, and structures. The term 'smart material' refers to mate...
A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. SMS is committed to understanding, expanding and...
A smart material is defined as any material that is capable of being controlled such that its response and properties change under a stimulus. A smart structure or system is capable of reacting to stimuli or the environment in a prescribed manner. SMS is committed to understanding, expanding ...
from design and control to physical intelligence. A smart material is defined as any material that undergoes changes to its properties or behaviour as the result of some stimuli. A smart structure/system is one judiciously structured in order to utilise the smart properties of its constituent parts...
We report smart processing based on process monitoring and process model prediction (smart manufacturing) and damage detection using BOTDR (Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) optical fiber sensors (health monitoring) in aerospace composite structures. In smart manufacturing, smart autoclaving based...
难道这个期刊很差,大家都看不上 请问楼主投了Smart Materials and Structures了吗?审稿周期怎么样呢?
NiTi shape memory alloy joints were obtained using ultrasonic spot welding and the effect of this manufacturing process on the mechanical behaviour was investigated. Comparing to the as-received NiTi, the welded material presented increa... S Ao,W Zhang,Joao Pedro Oliveira,... - 《Smart Materia...