在党的十九大报告中明确指出,要促进工业互联网的应用。重点是推进数字化网络化制造。因此,有必要对 smart manufacture 进行进一步解释。其字面含义是赋予企业快速响应内部和外部变化的能力。快速响应之所以重要,是因为市场竞争日趋激烈,使得响应速度越来越重要。从目标上看,smart manufacture 与 flexible manufacturing(...
汉语中的“智能制造”对应两种英文表述,分别是smart manufacture和intelligent manufacture。其中,intelligent manufacture的提法出现更早,但多数场合指的却是 smart manufacture。在中国工程院《中国智能制造发展战略研究报告》中,把智能制造分成 3种递进发展的范式:数字化制造、数字化网络化制造和新一代智能制造。smart manu...
这种过于理想化的观点实质上是对智能制造的误解,对制造企业智能制造建设是有误导的。 实际上,在工业4.0白皮书及相关文章中,德国人一直用Smart Manufacturing来表述智能制造,而不是有些人经常讲的Intelligent Manufacturing。在英文词典中,Smart的主要意思是“聪明的、巧妙的、敏捷的”意思,并不等同于智能,可以说将Smart翻...
笔者认为Smart Manufacturing并不一定要完全建立在智能机器、智能系统基础之上的,基于一定程度的数字化设备、网络化设施与数字化管理系统,就完全可以建立一种聪明的、灵巧的、快速响应市场的制造模式,这就是一种Smart Manufacturing,这也是CPS的本意。 2)Smart Manufacturing 不是一种具体的使能技术,而是一种解决方案 Smart...
Intelligent manufacturing Bringing Digital to Every Manufacturer: Integrating ICT and OT for Smarter Manufacturing Liu Chao CEO, Manufacturing and Large Enterprises BU, Huawei F5G | Intelligent manufacturing Huawei FTTM Solution Helps Enterprises Build Highly Reliable All-Optical Connections ...
Intelligent manufacturing Bringing Digital to Every Manufacturer: Integrating ICT and OT for Smarter Manufacturing Liu Chao CEO, Manufacturing and Large Enterprises BU, Huawei F5G | Intelligent manufacturing Huawei FTTM Solution Helps Enterprises Build Highly Reliable All-Optical Connections Cao Zhengmin Mar...
It is an intelligent manufacturing enterprise integrating product design, research and development, production and sales. Since its establishment, our company has been deeply engaged in the fields of instruments and meters, sensors, testing equipment, automatic control systems and so on. At present, ...
Smart manufacturing is the use of advanced technologies, such as AI and the IIoT, to increase the efficiency of traditional manufacturing processes.
The application of intelligence to manufacturing has emerged as a compelling topic for researchers and industries around the world. However, different terminologies, namely Intelligent Manufacturing (IM) and Smart Manufacturing (SM), have been applied to what may be broadly characterized as a similar ...
Nation urged to boost smart manufacturing 国家鼓励智能制造!new energy and intelligent connected vehicles intelligent connected vehicles, 智联网汽车 pool more resources into bolstering the application of ,倾斜更多资源推进 的应用 cutting-edge intelligent technologies in advanced manufacturing,先进制造业前沿...