1. 將你的 Smart TV 連接到家庭網絡。 2. 從主屏幕開啟 YouTube 應用程式。 3. 使用你的 YouTube 帳戶登入。 4. 導覽到並選擇你要在 YouTube 觀看的影片。 發掘更多 Samsung Smart TV 發掘有趣的內容、應用程式和品牌 三星與合作夥伴通力合作,向消費者提供廣告和推薦,以助他們在配備 Smart Hub UI(包括Sm...
透過Smart Hub,您可以使用網路搜尋功能、安裝和使用各種應用程式、檢視照片和影片或享受三星智慧電視提供的其他功能。 Smart Hub 提供的新功能 方便的搜尋和導航 全新的 Smart Hub 全螢幕提供應用程式、廣播和 OTT 服務(串流媒體服務),更方便瀏覽和開啟。
I have this smart tv and I am trying to access the apps. WiFi is connected, I’m signed into my Samsung account, and yet whenever I open Spotify, or another app the screen just goes white and sits on a white screen. Also when I open the internet no tabs will load. 0 Likes Reply...
Unfortunately, Samsung's Smart Hub also shows ads on the home screen. They appear in the same row as the installed Samsung Smart TV apps, and you can't disable them. You can opt out of personalized advertising in the settings, but unfortunately, that only means that you'll see very repe...
Smart TV | Apps with Smart Hub | Samsung US,加时赛中,双方防守坚如磐石,进攻端鲜有突破,C罗、登贝莱、莱奥等人先后错失机会,姆巴佩在加时赛半场之后因鼻梁伤势被提前换下。随着努诺·门德斯读秒阶段的射门未果,0比0的比分被保持到了120分钟结束,比赛进入残酷的点球
Gaming Hub is Samsung’s latest Smart TV platform that brings users optimized game streaming without the need of a console or PC Amazon Luna and Twitch join Xbox, NVIDIA GeForce NOW, Google Stadia, Utomik, YouTube and Spotify to offer even more ways to p
Xbox joins Samsung Gaming Hub, the new game streaming discovery platform available on 2022 Samsung Smart TVs
《Smart TV | Apps with Smart Hub | Samsung US》视频说明:但不管怎么样咱们都应该给他足够多的理解和支持面对美联储发布的调查报告贝克尔反向甩锅他称:美联储之前传递的信息是利率将保持在低水平开始抬头的通胀只是‘暂时的’因此购买了大量低收益投资证券他认为美联储在加息过程中误导了银行家 ...
Smart Hub Samsung launched a number of brand-new LED and OLED TVs as well at the show, all of which include its new Smart Hub, which brings apps to the TV screen. Not only has it redesigned its main software to make it easier to use, but it also improved its gesture and voice feat...
Samsung says that the Home Hub will give users complete control over their smart home, allowing them to perform actions like turning on/off the TV/lights, checking the status of connected appliances, and monitoring energy use. The company claims that the Home Hub is a flexible device that als...