Using an IoT-based monitoring system, the critical parameters of health are tracked and data transmitted via network. Data will be accessed for the benefit of the patient's current condition. This research paper focused on remote monitoring of body temperature (DS18B20), heart rate and SPO2...
New innovation in technology has led to a lot of improvement in medical devices and system. A traditional method used in healthcare has a lot of concerns w
Monitoring the aged people for each and every second is a major issue which motivated us to take certain issues providing general solutions for healthcare systems using Internet of things (IoT). Due to the drastic increase in traffic and population with limited resources, the new technologies ...
This triggered the idea of creating an e-monitoring system for real-time disease prediction (see Fig.1). The system can take decision in real-time to make people lives healthier and safer. Thanks to this system, we can react in advance, because it is not just about predicting diseases but...
An IoT-based Covid-19 Healthcare Monitoring and Prediction Using Deep Learning Methods The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing a more significant transformation in the healthcare industry by improving patient care with reduced cost of trea... J Liu,X Yang,THY Liao - 《Journal of Grid Comp...
Smart SystemHealthcareIoTmonitoringDue to the spread of corona virus, healthcare systems are facing significant strain, with an increase in demand for medical supplies and healthcare professionals. Many solutions were proposed in that sense, especially with the emergence of the Internet of Things (...
Design of Mobile Healthcare Monitoring System Using IoT Technology and Cloud Computing This project presents an implementation of wearable, portable, low power consumption,real-time remote bio-signals monitoring system based on the internet of thing technology. This implementation provides an improved step...
Smart healthcare monitoring using IoT Int J Appl Eng Res, 13 (15) (2018), pp. 11984-11989 Google Scholar [12] Baskar S., Shakeel P.M., Kumar R., Burhanuddin M., Sampath R. A dynamic and interoperable communication framework for controlling the operations of wearable sensors in smart ...
Satija U, Ramkumar B, Manikandan MS (2017) Real-time signal quality-aware ECG telemetry system for IoT-based health care monitoring. IEEE Internet Things J 4(3):815–823 Article MATH Google Scholar Verma P, Sood SK (2018) Fog-assisted IoT enabled patient health monitoring in smart homes...
Figure 1 healthcare environment by using IoT, and computing methods of fog. Additionally, it raises appreciation for the employment of very effective action by the IoT fog-cloud gadget. Using a set of fuzzy-based rules, real-time monitoring of PHD (patient healthcare data) is carried out (...