方法是:开机按Del键,进入BIOS设置,选择第一个"基本设置",把floopy一项设置没"Disabel"无效就可以了.2刚开始开机时按DEL进入BIOS,按回车键进入第一项,看看里面的“Drive A”项是不是“None”,不是的话按“Pgup”或“PgDn”进行修改,修改后按“ESC”退出,选“Save & Exit Setup”项按回车退出B...
PVE 7.4 after Smart error hard drive swap Thread starter james_romero Start date Jul 10, 2023 Tags pve/data Forums Proxmox Virtual Environment Proxmox VE: Installation and configuration J james_romero New Member Jun 6, 2023 1 0 1 Jul 10, 2023 #1 Hello All I having an issue with ...
The SMART Hard Disk Error 301 on your HP laptop indicates a potential failure of the hard drive, which can lead to data loss. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and recover your data. Backup Your Data If possible, back up your data immediately. ...
What does hard disk error 1 (301) mean? If you got theHard Disk 1 (301)error on your HP computer, your hard drive is probably failing. This error informs you of a possiblehard drive failure. Don't worry; we'll show youhow to disable the SMART hard disk error. ...
如果电脑出现了“S.M.A.R.T.hard drive detects ERROR",说明硬盘出现了SMART错误,只要在BIOS里关闭硬盘的SMART功能即可。解决方法如下:第一步:按下主机箱上的开机键,在电脑出现第一屏幕信息时,屏幕会有进入CMOS按键提示信息,按Delete键即可进入BIOS设置。第二步:在BIOS界面中,按下键盘上的“...
Much faster than installing an operating system and drivers to a new (empty) hard drive, then install all the software, and finally your data from the backups. Hard drives are sold in all computer shops. Most can also do the cloning work as well. Was this reply helpful? Yes No...
Hello, so the other day my laptop started getting the SMART hard disk error and I tried multiple methods suck as the start safe mode, BIOS, and trying to reset it. Well The last thing I tried was the reset, when I tried that it got to 64% and now it’s on a constant loop of ...
SMART status bad is a hard drive error, which indicates that your hard drive is about to fail or crash. Namely, it is not necessarily failing right now but rather in the process of failing. This can happen at any time. As an early warning system, it allows you to arrange to back up...