Ian Evenstar, founder of UNINCORPORATED, shared an interesting strategy for meeting a client’s goal of increasing student enrollment in an online master’s program by 33% in six months. By focusing on their advertising budget, UNINCORPORATED was able to determine their target cost per acquisition...
think about privacy in digitally networked contexts, one which priorities processes through which data security, consent and safety can be respectfully negotiated in public (or semi-public) spaces, rather than the ultimate regulatory goal being to ensure sexual pleasure is always kept hidden or ...
Closely related are ITS which has been around for while offering real-time feedback and personalized content. The adoption of such technologies has been associated with increasing emphasis on ethics and privacy. In the innovation phase, where lower adoption is rapidly changing, we see AI literacy,...
Figure 5 shows the smart education design example for the algebra course. In this example, our educational goal is to teach algebra in line with the student’s progress in learning the subjects. Therefore, we choose adaptive and personalized learning as our main pedagogical approach. We use an...
Frame 1: Next we have our personalised training section, where every basketball fan can have their own unique basketball plan~; Frame 2: First you can view your customised training plan from here, make it your goal to work towards completing it!; Frame 3: When you find that your training...
Smart Sparrow has established impactful partnerships aimed at enhancing student engagement and advancing educational outcomes. Notably, Dimensional Learning Solutions (DLS) stands as Smart Sparrow's inaugural Gold Preferred Partner, reflecting the company's dedication to forging meaningful alliances with leadin...
Let’s assume the bulk of the cost is in writing the code and the goal is to reduce that cost to zero. That not just my assumption: it seems to be their assumption, too. They state: “Startups spend millions to hire engineers; large companies continue spending millions keeping them ...
Maria Selezneva of UFIC visited Kyoto University, Shiga University, and Nagoya University to meet with study abroad counterparts and view facilities with the goal of increasing the number of exchange students and new study abroad programs. The Graduate School has dedicated tuition waivers for Japanese...
(i.e., an element of goal that should be achieved in a particular process, a promise to reach a target and motivation for subsequent stages), Points (i.e., an expression of every measurable change and behavior), Badges (i.e., visual designs that symbolize the achievements of a user ...
Educational recommender systems have been supporting personalized learning in various ways. However, less discussion is conducted about whether and how to personalize the strategies to generate recommendations based on student differences. In this study,