SMARTGoalSettingSMARTgoalsettingisoneofthemostvaluablemethodsusedbyhighachieverstodaytoactualize(实现)theirlifegoalstimeaftertime. SMARTisanacronym (首字母缩略词) thatstandsfor-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, RealisticandTime-bound. 【小题1】Everygoaloughttobespecific. Beingclearaboutyourgoalsandexpectationsis...
目标制定(Goal-setting)的SMART原则:S——Specific(明确具体); M——Measurable(可量化); A——Attainable(能力可及); R——Relevant(不偏离主方向); T——Time-bound(有时间限制) û收藏 9 评论 ñ9 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
A SMART objective is intended to assist and guide goal planning. Therefore, a SMART goal contains all of these factors to assist focus your efforts and maximize
SMART goal setting is one of the most valuable methods used by high achievers today to actualize(实现)their life goals time after time.SMART is an acronym(首字母缩略词) that stands for-Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Realistic and Time-bound.(1)___ Every...
Goal-setting and action-planning constructs are employed in personal development plans (PDPs) and personal learning plans (PLPs) and are advocated as practice within the English national policy agenda with its focus on personalisation. The article argues that frameworks widely used for goal setting ...
A SMART goal is used to help guide goal setting. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Goals are part
网络聪明目标;成功目标设定法;聪明的目标设立法 网络释义
Don’t get discouraged. If you don’t achieve one part of your goal easily, reassess what happened and revise it in your smart goal setting worksheet. Keep at it and remember: “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.”– Robert Collier...
What is SMART goal setting? The SMART framework provides the framework for setting clear, attainable goals in project management. The acronym stands forSpecific,Measurable,Attainable,Relevant, andTime-bound. A SMART goal incorporates all of these elements to bring greater clarity, focus, and motivatio...
It can be very easy to set up vague, unfocused goals. Taking the example we just used it would mean setting a goal such as: Improve the website traffic. You might feel like setting vague goals is good enough because in your head you know what you want to achieve. However, if you do...