Under these conditions, the software simulated the possible generator sets that could be used, and of the 20 found in its database, five were indicated (as shown in Table 5) to show the types, characteristics, and costs associated with generators that best fit the smart grid project for ...
The proposed solution exploits specific IoT tags combined with an encryption mechanism able to certify the trace of a product, i.e., the history, application or location of that product. The proposed encryption mechanism hardly fit the fast prototyping requirement considered in our work. Belu et ...
tmhiedmdliedtdoleptloy ptwlyotpwaortps aorftsthoef ftihlaemfielanmtsevnitas tvhiea tuhnetwunisttwoisft ionfitiinailtliyalltywtiwsteisdtefdilfiamlaemnetsn,tst,htehreerbeybyfofromrminigngtotorqrquuee-b-baalalanncecedd, ,mmooisisttuurree-- sseennssiinngg yyaarrnn mmuusscclleess ((FFiigguu...
soateehln.orltlneevsoOvdopemotndinrureoclopotpcyevonnhroitooamsdnhlryneveegefrisdoiasvnesdmnretetice.udhsrotdOesovemettneoohmtpidcrnehogeoefenaorocttnegthorhhmnimaaezetnonesssreeiircssgehcmoaatmnhntoiei-ss organpioczhneuerntchthsersaeerceowncrsiettrahutiecntdiotinhnse.thTsehoesfotvwfitswauraael...
Thus, it should be properly modified to fit a certain domain. If the utility lever or stage is converted, it may be possible to create a new opportunity or to identify the current competitive status and then find a new opportunity. From this viewpoint, our research modifies rows (utility)...