Santana EFZ, Chaves AP, Gerosa MA, Kon F, Milojicic DS (2017) Software platforms for smart cities Concepts, requirements, challenges, and a unified reference architecture. ACM Comput Surv (Csur) 50([6]):1–37 Google Scholar Singh NK, Wang H, Lawford M, Maibaum TSE, Wassyng A (201...
Felix Martin Carbajal Gamarra 4, Silvestre Eduardo Rocha Ribeiro Júnior 1,2, Segundo Alberto Vásquez Llanos 5, Ada Patricia Barturén Quispe 5, Milton Vieira Junior 6, Elias Basile Tambourgi 3, José Carlos Curvelo Santana 7 and Rosangela Maria Vanalle 1,*1...
Freire-Obregón, D.; Narducci, F.; Barra, S.; Castrillón-Santana, M. Deep learning for source camera identification on mobile devices. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 2019, 126, 86–91. [CrossRef] 8. Dirik, A.E.; Sencar, H.; Memon, N. Source Camera Identification Based on Sensor Dust ...
Struggled and Gave-up question practices. A formula that could be general for common courses is proposed below. Instructors could adjust it to fit their course design:
Santana, J.M.; Wendel, J.; Trujillo, A.; Suárez, J.P.; Simons, A.; Koch, A. Multimodal Location Based Services—Semantic 3D City Data as Virtual and Augmented Reality. In Progress in Location-Based Services 2016. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography; Gartner, G., Huang, H...
Probably a smart-city environment would fit well with the system, due to the fact that the number of the sensor will increase significantly and therefore the communications between agents will rise accordingly. This situation will determine the robustness of the proposed MAS. Author Contributions: ...
Osco, L.; Junior, J.; Ramos, A.; Furuya, D.; Santana, D.; Teodoro, L.; Gonçalves, W.; Baio, F.; Pistori, H.; Junior, C.; et al. Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Plant Height Prediction for Maize Using UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery and Machine Learning Techniques. Remote Sens...