We use terahertz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) to assess the crystalline state of indomethacin (IM) when loaded in smartFilms®. We found that smartFilms favour the amorphous IM (A-IM) for low loading concentrations. For higher concentrations, I
Store Available Credit Check if All the required fields are ava ila bl e Yes Create Record with Meter Number, Tamper Status, Credit Available and The Current Date Figure 8. DaFitgau rCeo8.nDcaetna Ctroantcoenrt rMatoert...
Sensor imprecision due to various factors (noise, bias drift, scaling Thefarcetosur ldtsrifitn, eFticg.)uirsesne9galingidbl1y0ssmhaollwinthceomvaprairaistoionnws iitnh seeffnescotsr osfigsnwainlsgthpeartfoarrme acnacuesevdaribaytiovnasriations of swingcapuesrefdobrmy tahnecien.coSnesnisstoen...
Production of the neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) will begin in October of 2009. As many as 3,000 units will be produced each year at a new Venturi factory near Sablé-sur-Sarthe, France. The cars will be priced around $20,700....