Oral appliance therapy is an effective and popular approach for OSA treatment, but making a perfect fit for each patient is time-consuming and decreases its efficiency considerably. This paper proposes a System-on-a-Chip (SoC) enabled sleep monitoring system in a smart oral appliance, which is...
vsseinoenssb,asntdrewnigdtthheannsdecsurpietyrioaructhoemnmticuantiocant,ioensouvreerhdeaatda,iwntietgh- arnitayv, aernadgiemopf roonvlye e1n2e6r1g.9y7ebffiticsifeonrc1y0, ttheesrtse.by enhancing the overall security and reliability of thCeoemntmiruensimcaatriot nhocmoset issycsrtuemcia...
rWrien gpruospeorsse' tphreiv uascey oifn tfroarffimca otibofnusbcaastieodn otenchtrnaifqfiucecsh aat rtahcet etrraisffiticc se.xiTt o ofid semnatirfty htohme aep gpartoepwraiaytse ttoim oibnfgusfocartter atfhfiec aicntjuecatli o...
conceived the idFeuanadnidngs:uTpheirsvriesseedartchherewceoirvkedimnopleexmteernnatal ftuionnd;inAg..A.-M. revised the manuscript and checked the test; J.M. G. providCeonthfleicltasbofeIqnuteipremste:nTthaenadutghuorids adneclea.re no conflict of interest. Funding: This research received...