Barraca do Nativos3.33公里 Cintia's bar3.12公里 Espaco Victory3.18公里 Galeria Do Calçadão5.46公里 Americanas Express5.37公里 Express Shopping5.31公里 Vila5.44公里 Praia Pontal do Cupe594 米 Porto de Galinhas3.12公里 Chicken KISSES IN THE GARDENS OF Ocaporã181 米 ...
It makes a person more selfish as you are asking a robot all the time about your needs, what you need, what you want and what you want to know, whereas when you have to interact with another human being you’ve got to fit in with their moods and sometimes I might come in really ...
After having defined the main goal of the MCDM evaluation, which, in our system, is to evaluate the alternative pieces of advice and select the one that seems to fit better to the interests and needs of a user in order to help him/her reduce his/her environmental footprint, the next st...
The highest value (≈1) of the regression coefficient (R2) was considered the best fit model. 𝑄𝑡=𝐾0𝑡Qt=K0t (7) where K0 indicated the zero order rate constant, and Qt was the amount of drug released in time t. 𝑀𝑡𝑀∞=𝐾𝑝𝑡𝑛MtM∞=Kptn (8) where ...