smart city. The report investigates the conceptual underpinnings of Smart Seoul, the use of smart technologies and mobile-web applications to provide citizen-centric services, and the role of technical standards as the precondition for smart city functionality. The rapid evolution of the ...
Founded in 2006, we provide smart city solutions which include enterprise application software and energy management system across the world
A smart city case study of Singapore—Is Singapore truly smart?doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-816169-2.00014-6Marianna CavadaMiles R. TightChristopher D.F. Rogers
Johnson Controls announced the opening of its new office in Singapore. EdgePoint equips Sunway with next-gen infrastructure ready for 5G Digital News Asia September 7, 2023 EdgePoint partner Sunway Group to enhance the telecommunications infrastructure within Sunway City. TM’s 2Q 2023 net profit...
Cities as Living Laboratories: The Smart City Projects of Amsterdam, Singapore, and Barcelona May 29, 2023 'Future of Us' Structural Building Envelope / SUTD Advanced Architecture Laboratory. Image © Oddinary Studios Cities are a canvas for architectural creativity and the dynamism of urban life...
Smart city becomes a popular topic in information and communication technology (ICT) era worldwide. In a simple explanation, a smart city is a place with the integration of latest 5G, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and AI technology, where networks and services are more flexible, efficient, and ...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Smart City at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
The concept of the 'smart city' as the confluence of urban planning and technological innovation has become a predominant feature of public policy discourse. Despite its expanding influence, however, there is little consensus on the precise meaning of a 'smart city'. One reason for this ambiguity...
Singapore is well advanced, and Thailand has indicated its ambition to develop 100 smart cities in the next two decades. Investment. Financial constraints are a major concern for city governments, but multilateral organizations and private companies have signific...
The energy saving potential of EC in tropical Singapore climate (1.37°N, 103.98°E) was investigated. This EC had U-value for both states was 1.1 W/m2K and SHGC value of 0.35 in the transparent state and 0.05 in the opaque state. An experiment was performed using two test cells having...