Smart casual是business casual的一种延展,正式性会低一点。Business casual适用于办公室,而smart casual...
Smart casual is an ambiguously-defined dress code that is generally a neat yet casual attire。 所以,Smart casual的首先是neat,后面才是casual,但是casual是很smart的,所以我们可以定位以为简洁并精心打扮的随意。 这也是美国硅谷的大部分科技公司着装标准,所以技术研发类岗位按照Smart Casual着装是没错的。 Smart...
Due to its polished yet relaxed aesthetic, smart casual attire is often confused with business casual dress code. While many outfits can fall into both Due to its polished yet relaxed aesthetic, smart casual attire is often confused with business casual
Smart casual,一个在日常着装中越来越流行的术语,指的是介于正式商务装与休闲装之间的一种时尚风格。它既注重舒适度,又不失精致和专业,适合于非正式的商务场合或休闲活动,展现出个人品味与职业素养的完美结合。在实际应用中,smart casual可以被理解为一种"商务休闲"的着装理念。它要求穿着者穿着整...
1. Smart casual refers to a popular fashion style that falls between formal business attire and casual dress. It emphasizes comfort while maintaining a sense of sophistication and professionalism, making it suitable for informal business settings or leisure activities. This style reflects a...
MarCom Manager will be dressed in business attire orsmart casualto meet the media personnel.───公关部经理将着职业装或半正式装与媒体人士会面. business orsmart casualis that it should be modest and neat in appearance, but comfortable.───商务休闲着装是低调整洁舒适的着装。
Where did you get thesmart casualshoes? 你从哪里买到那双好看的便鞋的? 互联网 Otherwise I would go out and buy the nicestsmart casualclothes you can find. 要不就出去买些你能找到的最好看的休闲装. 互联网 MarCom Manager will be dressed in business attire orsmart casualto meet the media pers...
Informal smart casual and business casual attire are similar in that they are both a style of dress that will give you a professional look without wearing formal professional clothing such as suits. The main contrast is that smart casual attire may include trendy pieces such as coloured jeans, ...
you can find.要不就出去买些你能找到的最好看的休闲装.3. MarCom Manager will be dressed in business attire or smart casual to meet the media personnel.公关部经理将着职业装或半正式装与媒体人士会面.网络释义 smart casual 1. 休闲服 2. 商务休闲装 3. 商务便装 4. 整齐休闲型 ...
clothes for men category is redefined with this polo shirt, offering a blend of comfort, style, and functionality that is hard to find in other men's long sleeve cotton shirts. It's a must-have for any man's wardrobe, providing the perfect balance between smart casual and business attire...