merchandising agent for locating at least one marketplace to sell the trade-in product; a smart syndicator for syndicating a product catalog of trade-in product profiles across multiple online channels; and a multi-channel merchandising ... ...
Thus, an iterative empirical design process is introduced that provides a method to estimate system loads, a SMA shakedown procedure using the system loads to reduce material creep, and a final selection and prediction for the full SMASH system performance. As means to demonstrate this process, a...
Here we report on a robust, smart and highly versatile 'all-in- one' porphyrin-based organic nanoconstruct (named nanopor- phyrin, or NP) that can be constructed by using a single organic building block, a porphyrin/cholic acid (CA) hybrid polymer (Fig. 1a,b). This NP platform ...
Current single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) methods with high cellular throughputs sacrifice full-transcript coverage and often sensitivity. Here we describe Smart-seq3xpress, which miniaturizes and streamlines the Smart-seq3 protocol to substantially
Remarque: répétez les étapes 1 à 3 pour chaque certificat que vous souhaitez installer. DoD PKI nécessite un certificat pour chacun de ces éléments : racine CA 2, racine de classe 3, intermédiaire CA##, ID ASA et serveur OCSP. Le certificat OCSP n'est...
The invention relates to a smart system of continuous monitoring and denomination of distribution transformer parameters in non-sinusoidal conditions, used in distribution systems of the industrial installations involved in the process of providing electricity to final consumers. According to the invention,...
Q: Is it possible to create DLLs that run under both CF and the PC framework?Host: Chris_Tacke (MVP): A: As of the Final Beta, a DLL compiled for the device will work on the PC without recompiling.Host: Ben (Microsoft): Q: Is it possible to auto-generate a typed dataset within...
3. EK is requested and shared secret is protected by the EK. The Shared Secret is stored in the TPM. The user also has knowledge of this Shared Secret. The Shared Secret is often referred to as “owner authorization data”. 4. The final...
4d) is steady at ca. 0.6 V for different sunlight intensities and consistent with the driving voltage of EC ion-gel (Supplementary Fig. 10), which is in accord with the fundamental mechanism of electrochemical capacitors26. Fig. 4: Working principles of solar-adaptable PVCD. a Charging ...
Next, the influence of MPI on final clot structure was investigated as a function of polyP. Clot structure was visualized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Only MPI 8 was used for these experiments. Clot morphology and fibrin dimensions were calculated and are shown in Fig.4G, H. The...