The NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global soil moisture data provides soil moisture information across the globe at 10-km spatialresolution. This dataset includes:surfaceandsubsurfacesoil moisture (mm),soil moisture profile(%), surface and subsurface soil moisture anomalies (-). The dataset is generated by...
The NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global soil moisture data provides soil moisture information across the globe at 10-km spatial resolution. This dataset includes: surface and subsurface soil moisture (mm), soil moisture profile (%), surface and subsurface soil moisture anomalies (-). The dataset is g...
同时也可以在Worldview浏览SMAP 数据。各个级别数据下载地方如下所示。 Level 1 radar data:ASF DAAC Level 1 TB and Level 2-4 products:NSIDC DAAC 2 SMAP(Soil Moisture Active and Passive)数据下载 下载数据之前,首先需要注册一个NASA的Earth Data账号。账号可以登录NASA绝大多数的数据产品网站,下载NASA绝大...
Impact of SMAP Soil Moisture Data Assimilation on Soil Moisture and on Warm Season Convection ForecastsClay B. BlankenshipJonathan L. CaseChristopher R. HainAMS100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
SMAP(Soil Moisture Active and Passive) 是美国的地球观测卫星之一,2015年1月31日发射升空。从名字就可以知道,SMAP主要为了观测土壤水分,并且有主动的传感器和被动的传感器。主动的传感器是L波段雷达,被动的传感器是L波段微波辐射计。计划中,雷达和辐射计各自生产3km和36km的土壤水分产品,并协同生产9km的土壤水分产品...
Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) dataset is a dataset of soil samples and telemetry information using the Mars rover by NASA. Originally published in and used for the unsupervised anomaly detection task in time series data. Later it was used in many popular...
2.1. SMAP soil moisture data The coarse resolution L-band MW SSM product from SMAP-Passive (SMAP-P) was used as an input to the disaggregation algorithm. Whereas the intermediate [9-km SMAP-Active/Passive (AP) and SMAP-Enhanced (E)] and fine [3-km SMAP-Active (A)] SSM products from...
Mladenova, I.E., Bolten, J.D., Crow, W., Sazib, N. and Reynolds, C., 2020.Agricultural drought monitoring via the assimilation of SMAP soil moisture retrievals into a global soil water balance model.Front. Big Data, 3(10). doi:10.3389/fdata.2020.00010 Arti...
Coastal Plain, where SMAP can capture the timing of wetting events better than model-only estimates. This implies that at these locations SMAP contributes significantly to improve deficiencies in the precipitation data or in the way the model translates precipitation into soil moisture. However, SMAP...