Smallpox is a disease caused by infection with a virus called “variola.” It usually spread in densely populated places because thevariola viruscan spread to other people through the small droplets discharged from the upper airway when an infected person cough or sneeze, as well as through th...
Following a technique first developed by Edward Jenner in the late 18th century, smallpox vaccination in 1900 meant scoring the skin of the upper arm with a lancet or knife, and then dabbing the wound with live virus. Vaccine makers in 1900 still sourced their virus from oozing cowpox sores...
Variola virus, the Congo Basin clade of monkeypox virus, goat pox virus, and sheep pox virus are all considered select agents by the Department of Health and Human Services or the U.S. Department of Agriculture; these considerations impose additional restrictions on use in research laboratories ...
But it is worse than futile to deny that the government’s assessment of the attack risk has increased, that war with Iraq seems likelier and access to the smallpox virus seems more widespread than previously thought. Remember, your job is to help this audience bear their fear of a small...
History Caused by variola virus Most deaths of any infectious disease ~500 million deaths in 20th Century ~2 million deaths in 1967 Known in ancient times Described by Ramses Natural disease eradicated Last U.S. case – 1949 (imported) Last international case – 1978 Declared eradicated in 1979...
Finally, in 1796, English doctor Edward Jenner performed an experiment that would, in good time, cause the virus’ downfall. By inserting pus from a milkmaid with cowpox, a disease closely related to smallpox, into the arms of a healthy 8-year-old boy and then variolating him to no eff...
This article presents information about the motion picture "Smallpox," directed by Daniel Percival and starring Dominic Andrcoli and Jeremy Zimmermann. The film features "interviews" with health officials and videotape of events, the narrative documents the slow-growing epidemic as well as the rioting...
At the same time, the median infective dose (ID50) of VARV estimated by registering the presence of the virus in the lungs of animals four days after infection was 3.5 log 10 PFU, and thus, was close to that theoretically determined in human patients by identifying the clinical picture of...
And even if samples do not yield viable virus, research- ers could potentially recover DNA from past infections that will add to our picture of how the scourge has evolved, perhaps offering insight into how we might mount defences should smallpox ever re-emerge. TRACES FROM HISTORY Smallpox ...
He would use his connections and power — first as governor of New York, then as president of the United States — to guide the nation’s response to the virus.AND THEN: The second half of the show is devoted to the question — who came up the first vaccine anyway? Once upon a ...