As the scabs fall off, deep, pitting scars form in their place. This residual scarring is another characteristic unique to variola.56 The greatest period of infectivity occurs during the first week in which the patient becomes symptomatic.56 From that point on, the smallpox victim is ...
Ann Ronan Pictures/Print Collector/Getty Images A free smallpox vaccination clinic in France, circa 1905. Finally, in 1796, English doctor Edward Jenner performed an experiment that would, in good time, cause the virus’ downfall. By inserting pus from a milkmaid with cowpox, a disease closely...
commander of the local militia of the townspeople of Pittsburgh during Pontiac's siege of the fort. This Journal has been described as "... the most detailed contemporary account of the anxious days and nights in the beleaguered stronghold." [Pen Pictures of Early Western Pennsylvania, John W....