Smallpoxwas widespread and had a relatively highmortality rate, making it one of the most deadly of all infectious diseases. Its impact on human civilization cannot be overstated. It also represents the only, hopefully the first, human disease to be eradicated (Fig. 54.2). This was made possi...
Themortality rateof smallpox is as high as 20%–30%. Smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases to mankind.82Thesmallpox viruswas used as a biological weapon in the Soviet Union during the 1980s because it was highly contagious and lethal, making it a Category A biothreat agent....
The WA clade was less severe than the CB clade with a case fatality rate of 0% to 6%, whereas the CB clade presented a mortality of 11%, which was higher in children (approximately 17%).25 Recently, a third clade was recognized as a subset of the WA clade. To make the naming ...
Although variola minor had the same incubation period and pathogenetic stages as smallpox, it is believed to have had a mortality rate of less than 1%, as compared to variola major's 30%. Like variola major, variola minor was spread through inhalation of the virus in the air, which ...
In China, powdered smallpox scabs were blown up the noses of the healthy. The patients would then develop a mild case of the disease and from then on were immune to it. The technique did have a 0.5-2.0% mortality rate, but that was consi... S Vaccination - 《Language》 ...