Smallmouth buffalo were collected during routine LTRM large hoop net, small hoop net, and electrofishing sampling in all strata sampled during 2017 from P4, P13, P26, and LG. Smallmouth buffalo were not collected from P8 due to low catch rates over the preceding 5 years of sampling and an...
Fishing past dark on a brighter than normal evening, thanks to a near-full harvest moon. For the most part, my night fishing has become less intentional than in years past. Aside from a few planned late-night outings with friends, most of my night fishing has simply been the result of ...
Movements and behavior of 56 stream-spawning smallmouth bass and rock bass from Lake Ontario were examined in spring and summer 1985 and 1986. Fish were captured by electrofishing near spawning areas in two tributaries 60 km apart, fitte... ...