In addition to the tension on sides, once the blade starts cutting that force will make the blade try to tip upwards inside the channel and this again helps to hold the blade inside the holder. Same principle as holding a pen or scalpel blade the pinch grip provides the best fine control...
The results showed that the best strategy, in terms of error rate, selection time and subjective preferences, was the "land-on2" strategy where the target is selected when the pen-tip touches the target for the first time after landing on the screen surface. Moreover, "the smallest maximum...
The size of this build was determined by three key elements: the size of the LED, the minimum PCB trace width/spacing and the minimum battery size. Originally I planned on using the smallest RGB LEDs ever made (size 0404, 1.0x1.0mm), but the type I got delivered was impossible to sold...
This is the best step. You get to decide whatever you ant to put in your kit. The more you customize the better. I finished up my kit with paper, cotton, two fish hooks, and may keep adding more. If you guys want I can show how to make a micro pen to fit inside of this kit!
Although already designed to produce large amounts of force over a small working range (short, pennate fibres), these changes in architecture suggest that these muscles become even more specialized to deal with the size-related functional demands. It has been suggested that the decrease in ...