✅ Why did my font size get smaller for desktop icon text and google chrome tabs after a...:I restarted my computer for a windows update and afterwards I noticed that the text under my desktop icons and well as the text in my google chrome...
How do I make the icons on my desktop smaller? in Windows 10 Customization How do I make the icons on my desktop smaller?: So I recently unplugged my second monitor's hdmi, used a different monitor, and then plugged the original one back in. The result was the icons i had on both...
Desktop display changed. Icons smaller and rearrangedin General Support Windows 10 1903 on a laptop. I don't recall doing anything intentionally but suddenly all the icons on my desktop have changed position and are much smaller in size. I checked Display settings and they are unch...
While it remains unlocked, just click and hold on any empty area in the taskbar and drag it to whichever side of the screen you’d like. Lock’er Down Finally, when you have the taskbar where you want it, and the size you want it, be sure to right-click on it and make sure that...
App Icons Build on MacOS (.app, .dmg) Build on Linux (.deb, AppImage) Build on Windows (.exe, .msi) Copy Buffer Device Notifications (toast) Self Updater App Signing Frameless Mode Transparent Mode Multiwindow Mode Tray deeplink RPC (in progress) One-Time commands (coming soon)...
App Icons Build on MacOS (.app, .dmg) Build on Linux (.deb, AppImage) Build on Windows (.exe, .msi) Copy Buffer Device Notifications (toast) Self Updater App Signing Frameless Mode Transparent Mode Multiwindow Mode Tray deeplink RPC (in progress) One-Time commands (coming soon)...
Currently many people like to have the Windows 10 taskbar in vertical orientation on left or right side. But the minimum width is still limited to the 'large icon' size setting. I (& many people) prefer small icons, and *NO* text, but currently the minimum width is...
Custom App Icon Yes Yes Windows Binary Yes Yes MacOS Binary Yes Yes Linux Binary Yes Yes iOS Binary Soon No Android Binary Soon No Desktop Tray Yes Yes Sidecar Binaries Yes NoNotesElectron has no native auto updater on Linux, but is offered by electron-packager DevelopmentTauri...
FLOSS Yes No Multithreading Yes Yes Bytecode Delivery Yes No Multiple Windows Yes Yes Auto Updater Yes Yes1 Custom App Icon Yes Yes Windows Binary Yes Yes macOS Binary Yes Yes Linux Binary Yes Yes iOS Binary Soon No Android Binary Soon No Desktop Tray Yes Yes Sidecar Binaries Yes NoNotes...
App Icons Build on MacOS (.app, .dmg) Build on Linux (.deb, AppImage) Build on Windows (.exe, .msi) Copy Buffer Device Notifications (toast) Self Updater App Signing Frameless Mode Transparent Mode Multiwindow Mode Tray deeplink RPC (in progress) One-Time commands (coming soon)...