Survive the Wilds Most of the creatures you encounter will see you as lower on the food chain – Ants, Cockroaches, Beetles, Wasps, and Spiders all view you as a potential meal. Weather conditions and seasons are in constant flux so if you want to survive for another day, preparation is...
sure. Frey & Boll’s specimens are mostly at the Natural History Museum in London, and today I wrote to the curator who in the past has provided me with images of such things, but I got an auto-reply saying that he is on leave. Anyway, Forbes stated thatAcrocercops quinquestrigellao...
Small mammals may also eat bulbs and corms already in the ground, such damage being caused most often by long-tailed field mice. Voles, especially short-tailed voles, frequently gnaw the bark of young trees and shrubs; they also attack herbaceous ornamentals such as Chrysanthemum. Growth of ...
The Summer that Wasn’t Happy 6th Gotcha Day, Chester! Broken rule and a time capsule Animal Month First Born musing Chester survives the eclipse Hi! I am Martha DiLorenzo, and Chester is our lovable rescue hound. We live in the Cleveland, Ohio area and walk almost daily. While walking,...
不行 要做就得做出样子来 No, were gonna do this properly 野餐的时候哪儿来的沙发 Theres no sofas on a picnic 就得坐在地上 坐到屁hearts;股hearts;都麻了为止 You have to sit on the ground till your bum goes numb. 转念一想 我得给霍夫人拿一个合适的花瓶过去 On second thoughts, I might ...
The Newt brought a corner of pre-earthquake Pompeii to Chelsea in the form of a replica of the colonnaded courtyard garden of a villa belonging to a wealthy Neapolitan as it might have looked in 78CE. Dominated by a mulberry tree, the garden is planted with species that might have been ...
Small Black Flying Bugs in the House That Are Not Fruit Flies Many people assume that tiny flying bugs are fruit flies. However, if the little flying bug is black, not brown, then the chances are that the bug is a fungus gnat, not a fruit fly. There are also other kinds of flying ...
The Ohio River was the border for state lines when Kentucky became a state in 1792, but it is said that the course of the river later diverted south due to the New Madrid fault earthquake in 1812, leaving that small chunk of Kentucky north of the Ohio. ...
Lots of Bees in the Garden = More Food on my Plate If you haven’t already heard about the decline in our pollinator population then you must be from another planet. That is not what I am writing about, but I need to give a little background. This is a worldwide problem and include...
As my Instagram followers know, I love to celebrate volunteers (#volunteerplants) that pop out of the ground, and often thrive, of their own free will. The less time I am out pulling weeds, the better chance there is for these kinds of surprises. But my lack of attention to watering ...