When you are dealing with a small amount of money versus the value of the property I am saying that it does not have an impact. If the insulation is burnt off the copper wiring, it can be sold for a small amount of money. They have said that families and other people can invest a...
The Mill Towns State Trail will also pass through this intersection along Jefferson Parkway. While many riders and walkers on this leg will be able to cross at times which are not during the concentrated school times,the DNR recommendation for trails crossing roadways with these speeds would be ...
I made my way into the dark theater. I found some ascending steps. It was so dark that I had to feel my way with groping hands. Nick was right. The higher seats were mostly empty. Up, up those steep steps I climbed through the darkness until I reached the last seat. The highest o...
Remote Control Bumper Cars– Dash has these, and they are so much fun. Two players compete to bump each others’ drivers out of their seats (the drivers go flying when the cars get bumped, and Dash laughs hysterically). Garnet Hill Boiled Wool Critter Slipper Boots– Best kid slippers ever...