脑小血管病。脑小血管病(small vessel disease,SVD)是影响大脑小动脉、微动脉、小静脉和毛细血管的疾病过程的总称。根据影像学表现,CSVD主要分为近期皮质下小梗死(recent small subcortical in - fsk小马于20240204发布在抖音,已经收获了398个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好
脑小血管病(small vessel disease,SVD)是影响大脑小动脉、微动脉、小静脉和毛细血管的疾病过程的总称。根据影像学表现,国际血管改变神经影像标准报告小组的标准将CSVD主要分为:近期皮质下小梗死(recent small - fsk小马于20240124发布在抖音,已经收获了421个喜欢,
脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease, CSVD)是指由于小动脉、微动脉、微静脉和毛细血管病变所导致的脑皮质下深部结构损害而产生的一组异质性较大的症候群。 影像学以腔隙性梗死(Lacunar Infarcts, LI)、白质病变(white matter lesions, WML)、脑微出血(cerebral microbleeds, CMB)和扩大的血管周围间隙(enlarg...
Cerebral small vessel disease refers to a variety of diseases caused by the degeneration of small arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and venules in the brain. It is a syndrome of pathological, radiological, and clinical abnormalities or dysfunction associated with damage to small arteries and ...
必应词典为您提供Cerebral-small-vessel-Disease的释义,网络释义: 脑小血管病变;脑部小血管疾病;
Cerebral small vessel diseases (CSVD) is a forerunner of cognitive decline, vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and stroke. Which BP index is closest associated with CVSD remains unclear. We aimed this study to examine the association of BP levels, measured by the office and ambulatory BP ...
Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is commonly observed on neuroimaging among elderly individuals and is recognized as a major vascular contributor to dementia, cognitive decline, gait impairment, mood disturbance and stroke. However, clinical symptoms are often highly inconsistent in nature and severity...
脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease,cSVD)泛指上述小血管的各种病变所导致的一系列临床、认知、影像学及病理表现的综合征。
脑小血管病(small vessel disease,SVD)是影响大脑小动脉、微动脉、小静脉和毛细血管的疾病过程的总称。 根据影像学表现,CSVD主要分为近期皮质下小梗死(recent small subcortical infarct,RSSI)、推测为血管源性的腔隙、推测为血管源性的脑白质高信号(white matter hyperintensity,WMH)、血管周围间隙(perivascular space,...