The commonly used term “fruit” denotes edible botanical fruit, frutescens (Latin word, meaning twiggy, bushy), and seed of wild and cultivated species of woody or herbal plants. A biologically important component of food, fruit, is a rich source of nutrition as it contains a galaxy of vita...
Plants for a Small Garden Small Vegetable Gardens Container Gardening Small Garden Designs Backyard Makeover Tropical Retreat Simplicity & Structure Courtyard Oasis Beyond Straight & Narrow Making the Most of a Lot Small & Sustainable Small Garden, Big Interest Small Garden Feels Expa...
As full-grown individuals of most vascular plant species have limited mobility (e.g. clonal spreading), their spatial movement is generally realised by the dispersal of reproductive units, most often seeds (Nathan, 2006). Effective seed dispersal allows plants to maintain population stability even ...
Evidences for epigenetics-mediated activation of genes involved in abiotic stress has been found increasingly growing in several crop plants. However, DNA methylome and transcriptome of abiotic stress tolerant and susceptible varieties of small millets needs to be studied at large to unravel the epigeno...
SLO MO DS Small cabbage plants being watered in sunshine 00:29 Hands planting green seedling Gardening with Care: Planting Strawberries Up Close Time-lapse of Radish sprouting / Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 00:16 SLO MO DS Woman picking a small lettuce plant in sunshine ...
Assessing the current status and identifying the mechanisms threatening endangered plants are significant challenges and fundamental to biodiversity conservation, particularly for protecting Tertiary relict trees and plant species with extremely small po
I also talked to an equivalent number of PhD students who really wanted a broad introduction to tropical ecology but were too self-motivated to work on their thesis to make sure that they had a at least few papers out before graduating. In the past, students would be encouraged to take ...
Hanging plants can be a great solution if you live in a small space, since they occupy the overhead space that’s usually empty. Typical hanging plants include the tropical, low-light-tolerant pothos and philodendron, which send out shoots that can hang down, adding visual interest to your ...
A tropical type of sunroom incorporated with some detailed chairs, bricked walls, tiled floor and of course, some potted tropical plants. Fun patterned throw pillows bring some extra warmth and funk, with a very unique and modern style fireplace hiding in the back brings even further warmth. ...
we hypothesized that WOX protein may have the potential to enhance transformation efficiency in woody plants. Based on the functions of the WOX protein in multiple species, we hypothesized that the WOX protein may have the potential to promote transformation efficiency. In our study, we identified ...