Ethical approval All animals in this study were handled in accordance with Thailand’s Wild Animal Reservation and Protection Act, B.E. 2535 (1992). No animal was harmed during the conduct of this study. Animals were video recorded from distances of at least 2 m and then caught by hand to...
and a couple of apples from said tree mysteriously appeared in the Kitchen on Friday morning while I was busy with work.This is not a confession of apple scrumping, and any such allegations will be thoroughly denied in a court of law. (They did taste rather nice though!) And then lunch...
It's a Small World (currently stylized as "it's a small world") is a water-based dark ride located in the Fantasyland area at each of the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts worldwide: Disneyland Park in California, Magic Kingdom in Florida, Tokyo Disneyland,
We determined the average tree and shrub canopy cover in the quadrat to the nearest percent using a spherical densiometer at each of the four corners. We measured water and leaf litter depth to the nearest cm at the deepest point within the quadrat. Using the percent cov- erage of each ...
This is also evident in the genetic isolation of the threatened pudu (Pudu puda), the smallest deer in the world, on Chiloé compared to continental Chile36. Fig. 2: Chile’s island territories. Chile counts several islands and archipelagos as part of its national territory. Rapa Nui (...
And I bring in grad students with concrete experiences with hazards (snakes, treefalls, orientation) to explain that these concerns are not just mine, but are universal for all researchers on site. They might think I’m exaggerating but when everyone else on station agrees with me, it ...
Pilot in command of a small passenger plane Young Adult Female Pilot Setting the Take-Off Power and Communicating with the Control Tower Aviator flying a single engine aircraft 00:22 MS PAN TS Airworks Cessna 208B Grand Caravan taking off at ASV (HKAM) / Amboseli National Park, Kenya ...
from issue:36-1 Farming Systems & Approaches•How-To & Plans Partridge•Pest Control•Pests Apple orchards suffer from a wide range of problems. The worst of all is not moose, deer, rabbits, voles, round-headed apple tree borers, sawfly, codling-moth, curculio, or scab. It is a bi...
would be around to look at the first, and see what the intruder. If not, it is with lightning speed to recover to the prey. Easily catch later, it will pull the prey to the grass, enjoy the meal. If the prey in a tree, it jump into the tree to catch the prey, big eat a ...
Whispering Winds Intéllego Auram 15 R: Sight, D: Conc/Moon, T: Spec Spell Focus: Three Leaves from an Oak Tree (+1) Casting Total: +16 The winds bear their tidings to your ears, allowing you to hear words spoken by any group of people within your line of sight, pro- vided no ...